Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Today, I really realized, that one of my big visions for myself has come to life. About 14 years ago, I had an idea to do music in the studio, with me playing ALL the parts... well at the time I only sang and played rhythm guitar. I had been a drummer for a number of years, but I did not own a set. I did not even have a decent amp. All I had was talent, drive, and a great idea.  I was living in a room rental that was not horrible, but certainly not great, so I was not exactly in the best circumstances. But like some of the things I am realizing lately, sometimes it is when things are at their worst, that they are actually at their best. A lot of big desire comes from hard times. For me it was to have a studio of my own, and to be my own band in it.

Well that day is here, now. My studio could stand some upgrades for sure, BUT I am there! I am where I wanted to be all those years ago. And now my music is more satisfying than it ever was before. Now I get my vision much clearer, rather than settling for whatever someone thinks it should sound like. I am grateful for where I am now, even though doing this is a TON of work. In the end it is all worth it, not only for me to get the sound I am after, but the realization that I made one of my bigger dreams come true, and I did not push it... I just followed naturally towards it. Now I am playing guitar, rhythm and lead, and doing really good leads... singing well, doing harmonies, playing solid and different drum lines, and holding it down on bass, in the pocket.

Do I want to keep it just me forever??? Probably not, there are things I want to do in the future that will require I work with other people, but for now I am enjoying the process, writing new music, from a new viewpoint. I think I am right on track for where I should be for now.

I am recording, booking gigs, writing... I am pretty much enmeshed in music, and loving getting back to being more authentically me.

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