So, since it is good Friday and all, (I really did not realize this until someone mentioned it, because I do not really pay attention to religions anymore) I figured I would address some things about this day, and those that follow it.
So the concept I want to tackle right now, is "born sinners".
The idea is that we are all born sinners, and the only way to get into heaven when we die, is by accepting Jesus as our lord and savior and the son of god. So the best way to tackle this I believe is to break it all down, piece by piece.
We are born... Okay that part I agree with, you have a body, then you were born into the physical reality we share right now.WE are born sinners... this is where you lose me completely. I do not see how a baby even CAN sin.. not to mention, WHO decides what is a sin and what is not? Some book written by men who were scared of women having power? God? You? Me? There really is no answer, because there is no such thing as sin. Yes I said it, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN. What is wrong for you might be perfectly great for another. Now before your head explodes, let me explain some things.
First, we are not bodies, with a spirit, as most seem to think. We are spiritual beings, that CHOSE to come here to incarnate into the physical bodies we are in right now. We are eternal, source energy. Now, tell me how source energy, can possible be "bad" in ANY way. Does this mean I support anything anyone does, no matter how crappy the action is??? No, I do not. But I DO understand things from a higher perspective than most are viewing life from. So being that we are eternal beings that come from source energy, there is no way we even COULD be "evil" in any way. So that debunks the whole "you were born wrong, and need me" argument of why Jesus came to earth. He came to be great creator of his reality, just as you and I have. The difference is that he remembered this. Most of *US* do not.
Now moving on the the concept that heaven must be gained admission to with some kind of pass, earned here on earth while alive. Jesus said, "the kingdom of heaven is inside you"... he did not mean heaven as in some place you can only get to when you croak. What that statement meant was, all that you are searching for is INSIDE you. Once you open yourself up to that source energy, when you release the resistance to it, you find the most astounding happiness, and THAT was what he was talking about. Why would we come and incarnate, just to suffer till death when we can become pure love again??? We already were pure love, so why incarnate at all, just to suffer?
Now some say, he was the light of God, and you would be right.. but what is usually missed, is that we are ALL lights of God. YES, ALL OF US!!! Even the ones we do not want to see as lights of God. Everyone comes with gifts, everyone comes from pure source energy, pure love. What creates discord, is when we go against what our soul or source energy knows to be true.
"God made man in his image"
So most think that means god looks like us... like a white dude with a beard usually... for some reason people tend to think that is who is most god-like? In anycase, this scripture was mis-interpreted as well. God DID make man in his image, however it was not a physical image this is talking about. What is actually means is.. we are all great creators, just as God is. We create reality, every one of us, is creating out world around us, ALL THE TIME. We are all God's and Goddesses in our own rights.
So I can't change your beliefs, but maybe I CAN make you think about your relationship with God, yourself, and think about the idea, that maybe you are not "bad" in need to saving, but just disconnected, and in need of reconnecting with yourself, and your source energy.
From my soul to yours....
Jamaica: The idea is that we are all born sinners, and the only way to get into heaven when we die, is by accepting Jesus as our lord and savior and the son of god. So the best way to tackle this I believe is to break it all down, piece by piece.
ReplyDeleteDonna: Let me do that for you. WE per say were not born sinners. Man decided to disobey God and when he did that everything changed. You see God is not like us. God is a Spirit, the creator of everything. He is all knowing, he is everywhere and he sees everything. We (Man) could never hope to be like him. When he said he made us in His image, he meant spiritual image, because we are siritual beings. This earth is not our home. Our home is in heaven if we are lucky enough to attain it by doing the will of God as is described in the Holy Bible (that is the true name of it.) When god made Man he did so because he needed us. Howeverk, man went against God's instruction and his will. This makes Man a Sinnerl. Sin is doing anything against the will of God. I suppose you think you never do that? Think again. . He is ONLY ONE GOD, and we are not Him. There are many many false teachers out there that try to see things the way THEY WANT TO, because they don't want to live by the Law of God. Now, God saw all this happening, and because he loves us,.YES HE LOVES US, he gave us a way to be with him for eternity. You took one quote from Jesus afturned it into something you want it to mean!! Why don't you read all the gospels, all 5, and then read Romans and Corinthians, and comment on those!! That is whee the meat is. But don't just cut it short by reading Genesis and the old testament. The new testament is the age of Grace, because when Christ died he opend the way for us by his shed blood. LIFE IS IN THE BLOOD. I know you know that.
could go on and on but it's late and it will never end.
Jamaica: We are born... Okay that part I agree with, you have a body, then you were born into the physical reality we share right now.WE are born sinners... this is where you lose me completely. I do not see how a baby even CAN sin.. not to mention, WHO decides what is a sin and what is not? Some book written by men who were scared of women having power? God? You? Me? There really is no answer, because there is no such thing as sin. Yes I said it, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN. What is wrong for you might be perfectly great for another. Now before your head explodes, let me explain some things.
Donna: SEE ABOVE. a Baby is born into Man's sin. However a child cannot be held accountable for any of this until he reaches the age where understands. He then has a choice of how he will live his life. He will hear about God, there is no way he cannot. One more thing. A mentally challenged person who does not understand is not held accountable. IT IS ALL SO SIMPLE. Why can't you people understand that God is GOD and you are not. You just want to believe that so you can live the way you want to and it's is as simple as that!!! BYE FOR NOW.